Talent Campus part 2 - Race You
1700 degree hot coals are not designed to be a carpet to success.
After the second part of Talent Campus, I stand corrected. And given I walked over them, both having been corrected and still being able to stand are impressive feats.
In July I did a blog about walking over glass and the first great part of Talent Campus.
Clearly any sequel has to go one better, so we were told there would be a fire walk in the second phase.
In between first and second phases, I developed my new project alongside my mentor, the lovely Ludo Smolski. I’ve got a lot of great industry tips off him and my selling documents are pristine and precise!
At second phase, there were further amazing speakers:
– Richard Holmes regarding production (whilst off set on his latest project filming at Ealing Studios);
– Barbara Machin regarding drama TV writing (before she went back to writing the 30th anniversary episode of Casualty); and
– writer/director Stuart Hazeldine (whose next film The Shack comes out shortly, and whose Agincourt with Michael Mann I’m gagging to see!) – excellent, practical advice on taking step by step to get to a career as a working writer.
And the firewalking? I committed to do it, failed to worry. Saw a line of red hot coals? Didn’t worry. Walked across their seating surface. No worry. I’m just not worried. And that’s half the battle right there.
A lot of writing isn’t about the learning or the craft, it’s about the fear. The worry that you aren’t good enough, that you’ll get found out, that (insert your fears here). This course didn’t just improve my skills, it shredded my worries.
And Talent Campus can’t end, because I’ve picked up some amazing friends on the same mission. On a journey of 1000 miles, it’s easier with friends.
If you haven’t thought of doing next Talent Campus, just commit to it. Don’t listen to the fears, trust me.
I’m off to pitch my projects to Lionsgate. I’m not worried. Let's write, pitch, endure, prevail.
Race You.
Race You.ent Campus if you want the tools to hunt down success.
Race you.